Knowledge & Insights2021-12-16T15:12:42+03:00

Why Financial Literacy Training is An Urgent Need for Your Workplaces

Financial Literacy is a global challenge where only 34% of the population has this knowledge. In India, 74% of the population is educated but only 24% knows financial literacy. In China, it is only 28%, Brazil 35%, Russia 38%. In the US, it is quite surprising that 38 households have credit card debt 33% of American adults have saved zero dollars for retirement. In many education systems, we spend time finding the value of X and studying the Canadian [...]

20 Lucrative Business Ideas in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide for Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneurial spirit thrives in Kenya, with many opportunities waiting to be explored. Whether you're a seasoned businessperson or a budding entrepreneur, Kenya offers a fertile ground for innovative business ideas. This guide will delve into 20 lucrative business ideas with immense potential for success in the Kenyan market. From traditional ventures to tech-driven startups, there's something for every aspiring business owner. The following are the Top 20 Lucrative Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs in Kenya 1. Woodsman or Woodworker [...]

Minimum Wage in Uganda – The Long Awaited Legislation

By Robert Mwesige If you're interested in seeing a minimum wage in Uganda, you may be disappointed to know that despite the Minimum Wage Bill being passed by Parliament in February 2019, it was ultimately disallowed by the President in August of the same year. A minimum wage is the lowest payment that employers cans legally pay their workers. It is also known as the “price base” below which an employee may not accept to sell his or her labour. [...]

Top URSB FAQs & Responses About the Process of Company Registration, Company Formation, and Procedures in Uganda

If you are seeking answers to some of your most pressing questions about company registration and other URSB services, Look no further! We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answered them for you. Should you not find the answer to your question, feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you! Question #1 How Can You Reserve a Company or Business Name Online? The answer is Yes! Please visit the URSB website ( and [...]

Tips on How to Avoid Job Search and Employment Scams

It was a Friday evening when I received a call from one of my lecturers of Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) of Makerere University. For me, it was the first time I was receiving his call but he sounded like someone adding to a discussion we had seemingly had a week before. I tried to let him know that we had not spoken as he was vexed to maintain that we had talked about a job offer on the [...]

Top 10 Questions to Include in Your Market Research Activity for a Start Up

Your business may need to get information from both potential and existing customers. This information is useful to help you create products or experiences that satisfies their needs and wants. This can be achieved through market research. Market research can be done by employing both quantitative market research techniques like customer surveys and qualitative methods, such in-depth interviews and focus groups. Market research is always the first step of any product development process. All businesses including your own strive to [...]

Ways to Promote Your Business Products & Services to Potential Customers

Having carefully designed a product or service which can satisfy the needs of your potential customers, it is time to let them know that the solution is at hand. You need to find the best way to communicate with your customers. Promotion includes all the activities and logical messages you design to communicate with potential customers to persuade them to buy from you. Some of these activities may include: 1- Advertising 2- Sharing information about discounts 3- Personal (one -on-one) [...]

Top 10 Universities in Kenya

The most common metrics used to rank universities worldwide include academic reputation, student employment rate (measured 6-12 months after graduation), staff-to-student ratio, international faculty ratio, international student ratio, and faculty research involvement. The following is a list of Kenya's top 10 universities and colleges, compiled based on their academic reputation, consistency from web sources, and national and international university rankings. The list depends on independent web intelligence sources' valid, unbiased, and non-influenceable web metrics. Here Is a Complete List of [...]

Comprehensive Guide to URSB Services and Their Costs in Uganda

The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is a government agency that provides various registration services for businesses, legal entities, and other organizational structures. This guide, designed to empower you with a comprehensive understanding of the services URSB offers and their associated costs, underscores the importance of your role in Uganda's business landscape. This knowledge is beneficial and crucial, as it equips you to navigate the registration process effectively, make informed decisions, and manage your business efficiently in Uganda. URSB Services [...]

10 Steps on How to Start Your Business in Uganda

By Robert Mwesige Uganda is one of the best places to start a business in Africa. It is a beautiful landlocked country located in east-central Africa, which is about the same size as Great Britain. The country is home to numerous friendly ethnic groups, and the estimated population for 2023 is 45,654,000 people. Blessed with hospitable people, Uganda has breathtaking natural beauty. From the lush green forests and rolling hills to the vibrant markets and bustling cities, there is always [...]

Top 10 International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nigeria

International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), often called INGOs, are non-profit, voluntary citizen groups that operate independently of governments to address global issues. These organizations work across borders to promote specific causes like human rights, environmental sustainability, poverty reduction, and healthcare. INGOs in Nigeria are critical in addressing the country's complex challenges. They often collaborate with local governments, non-profits, and businesses to achieve their objectives. Their work is primarily funded through donations, grants, and support from individuals, corporations, and governments worldwide. Below [...]

How to Find A Job in Uganda, Kenya, And Rwanda

It does not matter whether you’re still at school, a recent graduate, or employed and want a change of role, looking for a job can be quite a challenging process. You have to handle it delicately to get the benefits of finding a good job The job market across the East African region (Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda are desirous positive for jobseekers. With quite a higher youth unemployment it is clear that you will face a very competitive application process. [...]

How To Start and Register an NGO in Uganda

The Non-Governmental Organizations Act of 2016 mandates the NGO Bureau to register and maintain an up-to-date record of all NGOs operating in Uganda. When setting up a new NGO, obtaining a Certificate of Registration from The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) and a Permit of Operation is mandatory before commencing operations. The Certificate of Registration will be issued only once, while the Permit of Operation is granted for one (1) to five (5) years per the organization's requirement. Uganda's NGOs [...]

How to Create A Great Workplace Induction Checklist for New Employees

Induction is an opportunity to welcome your recruit to the organization. It can help them settle in and ensure they have the knowledge and support they need to perform their role. You need the right tools and information to handle the different phases of the induction including pre-boarding, Day 1, and the first 90 Days. Hiring the best person for the job requires planning, preparation, organization, and working through a carefully thought-out and practical process until you conduct the activities [...]

9 Key Topics to Consider for Financial Literacy Training

Introduction Financial Literacy means having the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage money well. One may also say that financial literacy is a process through which an individual (or a family) gains a basic understanding of banking, savings, and the importance of good credit. Knowledge and skills to manage personal money is very important in every economy for all categories of income earners to be able to make the right financial decisions that would foster economic stability. For low-income earners [...]

The Need for HR Policies & Procedures Manual or Employee Handbook for Organizations in Uganda

The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization. The HR policies and procedures manual is compiled first and thereafter the employee handbook is prepared in conjunction with the prevailing policies and procedures as laid down in the earlier document. Such documents clearly define [...]

Exit Interview Best Practices: Key Questions, Importance, and Tips to Improve Employee Retention & Workplace Culture

Exit interviews are critical to understanding why employees leave an organisation. They allow the company to learn about areas for improvement in culture, management, and operational efficiency. This article presents a structured guide to conducting an exit interview. It explains why each question is valuable for gathering actionable insights and how to use employee feedback when leaving the organisation. The Following Are the Top 20 Best Exit Interview Questions You Should Ask Departing Employees What was the length of your [...]

How to Write a Business Plan in 10 Easy Steps – A Comprehensive Guide

A business plan describes your business and your strategy for making it a success. You may need a business plan consultant to help you get your business. Many investors, sponsors, and donors will require a business plan to fund your idea. A good business plan can be a roadmap for your business's future. It can help you to secure capital and grow faster. Professionals familiar with the matter and studies indicate that entrepreneurs who write a business plan are 260% [...]

How to Find New Donors for A Nonprofit

By Robert Mwesige Finding Donors for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is a challenging but crucial task for supporting and expanding your operations. One of the most desired skills for Nonprofit Organizations is Fundraising. Finding New Donors for your organization Does Not Have to Be Confusing or Overwhelming. It Should Be Something That You Too Can Learn and Do. In This Article, We Summarize for You 10 Ways to Help on How to Get Donations for A Non-Profit. Define Your Cause and [...]

Top 20 Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria | Start Your Own Business Today

Exploring Lucrative Business Ideas in Nigeria: A Comprehensive Guide Nigeria, known for its rich cultural diversity and vibrant economy, presents numerous opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. From the bustling markets of Lagos to the serene landscapes of Abuja, the Nigerian business landscape is ripe with potential. Nigeria has immense potential for business opportunities. It is the largest economy in Africa, with over 200 million people. The country is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas, solid minerals, and agricultural products. The [...]

10 Requirements to Open a Business Current Account in Uganda

By Robert Mwesige In this article We Explore the Requirements to Open a Company Current Account in Uganda. The specific requirements to open a company account can vary depending on the bank, or any other financial institution, and the type of company you're operating. However, we have put together a list of 10 General Requirements for Opening a Current Company/Business Bank Account in Uganda. 1. Business Entity Information. Registered business name and legal structure (e.g., corporation, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership). [...]

Top 20 Lucrative Business Ideas in South Africa: Your Gateway to Entrepreneurial Success

Welcome to the land of opportunity—South Africa! Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking to tap into this dynamic nation's vibrant business landscape? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will explore 20 lucrative business ideas tailored for South Africa. From traditional ventures to innovative startups, there's something for everyone eager to make their mark in the South African business ecosystem. The following is a comprehensive list of 20 lucrative business ideas for entrepreneurs to start in South Africa. Farming and Agriculture [...]

How to Register Your Company in Uganda in 10 Easy Steps

Scope – This article provides a detailed step-by-step guide on registering a new company in Uganda. It outlines the requirements and procedures involved in the incorporation process. The registration process requires government agencies such as URSB, UIA, URA, KCCA, NSSF, Posta Uganda, PPDA, PAU, and other relevant bodies. Entrepreneurs worldwide are increasingly viewing Uganda as an attractive destination to start a business. It is one of the top destinations in East Africa due to its strong incentives, good weather, a fast-growing [...]

Collective Bargaining Strategies and Negotiations with Trade Unions in Uganda

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation that takes place between Trade Unions (Labor unions) and Employers. Representation by employers in most cases is by management who may come along with Board members in certain organizations. Collective bargaining takes place in respect of the terms and conditions of employment of employees such as remunerations, working conditions, grievance handling procedures, and the rights and responsibilities of trade unions. In Uganda, this collective bargaining process is guided by the National Tripartite Charter [...]

A Guide to Collective Bargaining and Labour Relations for Employers in Uganda

By Robert Mwesige This article aims to assist employers in effectively engaging in collective bargaining with trade and labor unions at all levels. It contains valuable information for improving negotiation skills and promoting win-win outcomes. Additionally, scholars and students can find useful information on collective bargaining, including an introduction and background, understanding of the process, types of bargaining, legal framework, and the various levels of bargaining in Uganda. What is Collective Bargaining? Collective bargaining is a negotiation process between employers [...]

Developing and Submitting an Effective, Responsive, and Winning Tender Proposal in Uganda

Scope – This Article Discusses how you can Develop and Submit an Effective, Responsive, and Winning Tender Proposal in Uganda. The Writer (Robert Mwesige) Advises on the Best Way to Participate in The Tendering Processes by Developing and Submitting an Effective, Responsive and Winning Proposal Tender Proposal for The Provision of Goods, Works, and Services. Writing an effective response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) is one of the things you rarely find on the curriculum of African schools, colleges, [...]

List of Top 10 Universities in Uganda

By Robert Mwesige The most common university ranking metrics used across the globe have mostly cited academic reputation, student employment rate (measured 6-12 months post-graduation), staff-to-student ratio, international faculty ratio, international student ratio, and faculty research involvement. This compilation has been made based on academic reputation in Uganda, consistency from sources across the web, and national and international university rankings. Here’s a complete rundown of the Top 10 Universities in Uganda. 1. Makerere University Makerere University is Uganda's largest and [...]

Occupational Safety and Health for The Oil and Gas Industry in Uganda

Scope – This Article Was Written by Mr. Robert Mwesige for information to help workers and employers identify and eliminate hazards in their workplaces especially those involved in the oil and gas sector. The article introduces applicable OSH regulatory requirements, as well as proposed industry interventions and guidance aimed at identifying, preventing, and controlling exposure to hazards. Just like any other sector of the economy, the Oil and Gas Industry in Uganda is required to protect employees against work-related sickness, [...]

How To Manage Your Money Smartly – Be A Wise Spender

Money is scarce and that’s what makes it valuable. For as long as you don’t have a money-bearing tree in your backyard or a magic lamp that produces money when you ask for it, then it is time for you to be careful with your earnings. Otherwise, you risk being like me who wished it rained money at our home. Just like other successful people, you must make tough choices when it comes to money spending decisions. You must be [...]

Top 10 Universities in Nigeria

When evaluating universities worldwide, key metrics often include academic reputation, student employment success, faculty-to-student ratios, international faculty and student diversity, and research productivity. These factors provide a holistic view of a university's quality and ability to prepare graduates for success. Are you considering studying in Nigeria? Are you seeking the top institutions for exceptional education and career opportunities? This comprehensive guide ranks the top 10 universities in Nigeria based on academic reputation, and international standing, sourced from sources across the [...]

8 Best Investment Opportunities in Uganda

Uganda has one of the world’s richest, diverse and unique wildlife diversity (unique savannah and tropical forest conservation areas. The country has 10 national parks, 2 UNESCO natural world Heritage sites, Ramsar sites, Important Bird Areas, Mountain Gorillas); the country also has, a rich, diverse and unique cultural heritage – cuisine, arts, architecture, craft, fashion, dance, faith-based attractions (One UNESCO world heritage site). What’s more amazing is that the country has an all-year-round pleasant tropical climate. With abundant water resources [...]

How to Choose a Business Name – 10 Tips for Choosing a Unique Business Name for Your Startup

By Robert Mwesige A business name is a very important step for every new startup. It is what will form the legal person for the company or business that you start. People will always refer to our business by that name. The media and all forms of publications will refer to the business's corporate name. When building a brand, it's important to start by carefully considering the name you want to give it. While it may be tempting to choose [...]

Top 10 International NGOs in Ghana: Comprehensive Profiles

International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) are independent, non-profit groups working alongside Ghanaians to address social challenges and promote development.  Unlike government agencies, INGOs focus on various areas, from education and healthcare to environmental protection and women's empowerment, showcasing a comprehensive approach to Ghana's development. International NGOs are partners in Ghana's development. They bring fresh perspectives and global best practices to support local initiatives. INGOs work with Ghanaian communities, empowering them to solve their challenges and build a stronger future. They focus [...]

How to Succeed at Interviews – Answer Common Job Interview Questions

During your job search and preparation for job interviews, you’ll meet many publications claiming to provide the ‘correct answers to popular interview questions. However, there often isn’t just one ‘correct answer. One thing you must avoid is to use pre-scripted answers because you might not answer the exact questions you’ve been asked on the day. The best thing to do is to spend time before the interview thinking about the type of question you may be asked and what key [...]

12 Services at The One Stop Center (OSC) eBiz For Investors Starting Business in Uganda

In a bid to foster private sector development, the Government of the Republic of Uganda created a One Stop Center. This is an inter-institutional project that brings together all players that make it easy for both local and foreign investors and entrepreneurs to easily start and operate a profitable business in Uganda. The center was established to integrate services of key government agencies with an online platform that will enable entrepreneurs and investors to access government services using a single [...]

How to Prevent Discrimination in Workplace and Employment Process

Everyone starting a business is always eager to advertise roles. This piece of writing has been prepared to give you a good start with compliance when it comes to employment laws. You need to know your responsibilities in the hiring process so that you can prevent any form of discrimination including Race and Color Discrimination in the Workplace. All employment discrimination laws are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) They are responsible for handling all charges of discrimination [...]

How to Select and Appoint the Right Auditor & Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Uganda – Audit Firms in Uganda

Scope —This article provides a detailed guide on selecting and appointing the right Uganda audit firm or Uganda CPA (Certified Public Accountant). It outlines the key steps in choosing an ICPAU-approved auditor in Uganda, focusing on factors like experience, qualifications, and industry reputation. The article also emphasizes compliance with regulatory standards, including financial auditing and compliance audits in Uganda. Additionally, it highlights the importance of hiring an audit firm in Kampala, offering insights on what to consider when appointing a [...]

List of Top 10 International NGOs in Uganda

International NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are organizations that operate independently from any government. In Uganda, we have quite many such NGOs which often rely on donations, grants, and funding from individuals, corporations, and governments to carry out their missions. International NGOs play a crucial role in advocating for human rights, providing humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and addressing various global challenges. The top 10 well-known International NGOs in Uganda include: Oxfam International Oxfam is a British-founded confederation of 21 independent charitable [...]

Public Speaking Flowchart – Use These 9 Steps to Become the Best in Public Speaking

Introduction While learning the art of public speaking, I carefully picked the most essential concepts, including ethics and the role of ethics and plagiarism within public speaking, as laid down by our lead facilitator, Dr. Keith B. Jenkins.  Keith is also the Vice President & Associate Provost for Diversity & Inclusion Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology. I did this during the Course RITx: SKILLS105x Public Speaking, which he facilitated and still exists at the EDX Learning Platform. His presentations and [...]

Top 10 International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kenya

International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are independent organizations also known as INGOs, and are non-profit, voluntary citizens' group that operates across national borders. INGOs work to advance specific causes or promote issues, such as human rights, environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and health care. They often collaborate with governments, other non-profit organizations, and the private sector to achieve their goals. In Kenya, several NGOs rely on donations, grants, and funding from individuals, corporations, and governments to achieve their goals. International NGOs are [...]

Discover the Best: Top 10 Universities in Tanzania 2024 | Rankings & Insights

Introduction The most used metrics to rank universities worldwide are academic reputation, student employment rate (measured 6-12 months after graduation), staff-to-student ratio, international faculty ratio, international student ratio, and faculty research involvement. In this article, we will examine the top 10 universities in Tanzania, exploring their history, academic excellence, and impact on the socio-economic landscape. Below is a list of Tanzania's top 10 universities and colleges, compiled based on their academic reputation, consistency from web sources, and national and international [...]

The Purchase Funnel

A purchase funnel (a.k.a sales funnel) denotes the process through which you lead the prospect through a path to a purchase. A sales funnel has four distinct but interlinked stages which include: Awareness Interest Desires Action 1 - Awareness At this stage your company makes an effort to reach out to as many prospects as possible. This may be through social media channels, TV ads etc. The reach of the message should be as wide as possible because the more [...]

5 Benefits of a Workplace Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy

Business ethics means the code of conduct that actions of people engaged in business activity. Business ethics assumes that a company like Houston Executive Consulting is a corporate moral agency. In Uganda, is a separate legal entity something that reflects the concept of corporate personhood. This explains why a debate still persists for the need to have corporations and individuals held ethically responsible for corporate actions. Undoubtedly, codes of ethics and business conduct policies are intended to prevent companies from [...]

Exploring 20 Lucrative Business Ideas in Ghana: A Comprehensive Investment Guide

Greetings, aspiring Ghanaian entrepreneur! Are you eager to make your mark on the nation's thriving business scene? Look no further! This guide dives into 20 lucrative business ideas tailored to Ghana's economic landscape. We'll explore various possibilities, from established ventures to cutting-edge startups, to empower you to find your niche within Ghana's dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem. The top 20 business ideas to unlock your Ghanaian entrepreneurial journey are the following. Real Estate and Property Development in Ghana  Ghana's real estate sector [...]

Money Lenders in Uganda – What the Public and Lending Companies Must Know about Money Lending Business in Uganda

Money lending is a great business idea that can be successful in Uganda. If you have the capital and are ready to start, you must ensure your new business is well-planned, adequately registered with the relevant authorities, and legally compliant. Who is A Money Lender? According to the tier 4 Microfinance and Money Lenders Act (Money Lenders) Regulations of 2017, a "moneylender" refers to a company involved or planning to be involved in money lending. This type of company offers [...]

Four Steps of Developing a Financial Plan to Achieve Your Goals

A goal without a plan is as simple as making a wish and just like you know if wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. It is important for you to make plans to achieve your financial goals. My young friend Tim is 26 years and has just graduated with a bachelor of information technology degree. He is currently working as a back-office IT engineer at a government citizen resource center. He is engaged to his fiancée Mary. He has [...]

Top 10 International NGOs in Tanzania: Discover the Pinnacle of Impact

Tanzania is a country that boasts a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. However, the country faces several social and environmental challenges. To address these issues, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in development and humanitarian efforts. The following are the top 10 international NGOs that are making a significant impact in Tanzania. World Vision (WV) World Vision (WV) is a humanitarian organization that operates worldwide. The organization aims to help children, families, and communities overcome poverty [...]

Top 10 Trade Associations in Uganda | Sectoral Associations & Membership Organizations in Uganda

Business associations have always been known to bring together business owners from a specific area or all the corners of the country. These may range from national associations to those that encompass businesses in individual sectors, districts, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. It doesn’t matter what the scope is but any business association can provide several benefits to businesses who pay subscription fees. Membership into a business association or a professional body has distinct advantages like networking opportunities, business prospects, sectoral [...]

8 Areas of Business Due Diligence & Requirements for Management Compliance Assessment

Do you want your business to benefit from contracts with the government, international organizations, and established corporate companies? If your answer to this question is Yes, then you must demonstrate higher levels of commitment to compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You must follow the highest standards of business ethics. Your company and all your business partners must be ready to take responsibility for ethical behaviour. You have to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your [...]

Setting Financial Goals – Financial Education with Robert Mwesige

Setting financial goals requires you to first get the right financial literacy. Where do you want to go? In other words, do you have a personal development plan that guides you on what you would like to achieve from life? Do you think it is important to have goals? Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day responsibilities that you forego thinking about goals. A few years ago, my neighbor’s daughter Brenda completed her diploma in business studies. She started [...]

A Guide on 10 Business Ideas for A Budget Between UGX 3,000,000 To UGX 30,000,000 in Uganda

Welcome to our guide on business ideas for a budget between UGX 3,000,000 To UGX 30,000,000 in Uganda. Starting a business can be an exciting and daunting experience, especially when you have a specific budget. However, with the right business idea and proper planning, you can start a successful business on a limited budget. Here Are Uganda's Ten Most Lucrative Business Ideas for Your Entrepreneurial Success. Online Store An online store is an excellent option for entrepreneurs with limited funds [...]

10 Essential Strategies for Building and Growing a Successful Business

Many people's entrepreneurial spirit burns bright, and the dream of building a thriving business is constantly flickering. But the road to success is paved with both triumphs and challenges. Here, we delve into ten crucial tips to empower you to navigate this exciting journey and cultivate a flourishing enterprise. In today's dynamic business landscape, success hinges on innovation, strategic planning, and effective execution. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, implementing the right strategies can pave the way for [...]

Writing A Winning Tender Bid Response to The Different Solicitations in Uganda

Scope – This Article Discusses the Best Ways for Planning A Tender Response and Prepare the Most Appropriate Responses to A Request for Proposal (RFP, Request for Information (RFI), and Request for Quotation (RFQ. This Content Will Also Help You Learn How to Write A Winning Tender Bid Response to The Different Solicitations in Uganda. This Article Is Simply A Guide and Does Not in Any Way Guarantee That You Can Win the Tender Bid. Overview If a government body [...]

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