Research & Data Collection Consultants in Uganda

Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Consultants in Uganda – Africa

Houston Executive Consulting will work with your organizations to develop a robust M&E framework relevant to the organization’s goals and align it to achieve the mission and vision of any given institution. We further engage institutions in developing their Theory of Change (ToC) model which sets parameters to advance the intended outcomes.

Houston Executive consulting also furnishes organizations with a team to develop Inception reports, Needs Assessment Exercise, Baseline Surveys, and End line project reporting. This may further involve data collection, monitoring of ongoing projects, and providing much-needed recommendations.

We work with dynamic and pro-active Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) consultants to manage the assignments. Our consultants are the top talented candidate that possesses unique and/or hard to find analytical skills.

Using our Analytical efforts, we answer specific questions about the performance of program activities on WHY? and HOW?

With our unrivaled capacity, we can conduct laborious impact evaluations of any type of programs to determine their accurate effects.

Our lineup of experts will design experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations while employing qualitative & quantitative research methods to test what approaches work best and why.

Our capabilities are supported with advanced data assemblage methodologies such as mobile and electronic data collection, randomized response and list experiments, and sensor technology.

Let’s help you with modern techniques of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact Assessment (MEIA) in Uganda, Africa.

Our Areas of Expertise in M&E

  • Development of the M&E Framework:

HEC recognizes the development of the M&E framework as a crucial stage in measuring the success of any program. By the end of our tailored pieces of training, participants can;

  1. Identify and distinguish between Conceptual Frameworks(CF), Logical Frameworks (LF), Results frameworks (RF), and Logic Models (LM). These assist in understanding program goals and objectives that are measurable in the long term, short term, and midterm.
  2. Outline goals and objectives for programs
  3. Design the frameworks for programs
  4. Demonstrate how frameworks will be used to conduct M&E

We further help organizations build indicators that will be used to check the milestones of a given project. We develop and check whether each indicator;

  • Is directly related to the output, outcome, and goal listed in the log frame.
  • Is there anything you can measure precisely either quantitatively or qualitatively and the available resources?
  • What standard indicators do exist for such a given program or project, are there tools available to measure them and allow for compatibility with other programs or national data.
  • Baseline Surveys

Before you embark on any project, it’s very important to measure the existing or starting values for each of the indicators. This may involve doing a survey to measure baseline data. HEC has a team of experts with the topnotch capacity to undertake baseline studies for various projects.

  • Summative Assessment

We are well-positioned & experienced in delivering assignments on summative evaluation, or End-line Assessment. This is where we deliver key lessons from the assessment of the project that focuses on the outcomes.  We share feedback as a package of results used to assess whether a program was effective in achieving the intended outcomes or not.

  • Formative Assessment

HEC can help institutions develop methods of assessing the validity of the program in achieving the intended outcomes while the program is in process. Our team of experts can undertake this exercise at any stage of the program to ascertain how well the goals and objectives are being met with a mission to catch the deficiencies immediately.


Unrivaled Extensive Experience

Houston Executive Consulting has since the company’s beginning in 2019 helped numerous organizations create and implement a large number of M&E programs.

All-In-One Monitoring & Evaluation Programs

Houston Executive Consulting covers all steps of the M&E process including log frame creation, data collection service, data analysis, data visualization & program evaluation.

Human Resources

Houston Executive Consulting consists of a big team of professionals, all with a wide range of diverse abilities. Specific projects require specific skill sets. We are always ready since our company is built on competence & reliability.

Training on Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Policies, Programs, and Projects (Uganda)

Houston Executive Consulting can train your team on how to measure success and report on results, relevance, and effectiveness of a project, program, or public policy that aims to bring about a positive change in the well-being or conditions of a target population.

You will also gain practical knowledge on how to measure improvements based on predefined indicators.

As a project or development worker and public-sector manager, you need to create monitoring and evaluation systems. Such systems make it possible to learn from experience and improve program and project performance.

Participants are empowered to measure change based on indicators and analyze whether the change can be attributed to the development intervention using a variety of techniques, including approaches based on qualitative or quantitative data.