About Robert Mwesige

Robert Mwesige is a highly accomplished professional, holding certifications as a Trainer from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Bank of Uganda (BOU) and as a Digital Marketing Expert from Google, the HubSpot Academy, Accenture, and OpenClassrooms.

Robert Received an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) at Quantic School of Business and Technology in Washington DC, USA. He Graduated with an MBA in Marketing at the 14th Convocation of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune, India, in August 2023. He also holds a First Class Honors Degree in International Development Studies From KYU, Kampala. 

Robert is the Senior Manager of HR & Business Services at Houston Executive Consulting, where he excels in high-level consulting assignments, including strategy development, executive coaching, and training. He is also a skilled Content Designer (Web Editor) and Online Marketing Expert at Geotech ICT Consulting. He is the Founder and CEO of Guiding Lads Uganda Ltd, a tour and travel company, and Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD), an environmental conservation NGO. Robert demonstrates a solid commitment to entrepreneurship and sustainability. He is a prolific copywriter, producing insightful articles on Human Resources, Financial Literacy, and Business Management.

He Spends His Free Time Enjoying Live Band with Ugandan Afro Beat Songs, Gospel Music, South African Oldies, Congolese Soukous & Ballroom Rumba.

8 Best Investment Opportunities in Uganda


Uganda has one of the world’s richest, diverse and unique wildlife diversity (unique savannah and tropical forest conservation areas. The country has 10 national parks, 2 UNESCO natural world Heritage sites, Ramsar sites, Important Bird Areas, Mountain Gorillas); the country also has, a rich, diverse and unique cultural heritage – cuisine, arts, architecture, craft, fashion, dance, faith-based attractions (One UNESCO world heritage site). What’s more amazing is that the country [...]

5 Benefits of a Workplace Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy

2022-07-28T18:05:19+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Business ethics means the code of conduct that actions of people engaged in business activity. Business ethics assumes that a company like Houston Executive Consulting is a corporate moral agency. In Uganda, is a separate legal entity something that reflects the concept of corporate personhood. This explains why a debate still persists for the need to have corporations and individuals held ethically responsible for corporate actions. Undoubtedly, codes of ethics [...]

Ways to Promote Your Business Products & Services to Potential Customers

2022-07-28T15:57:42+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Having carefully designed a product or service which can satisfy the needs of your potential customers, it is time to let them know that the solution is at hand. You need to find the best way to communicate with your customers. Promotion includes all the activities and logical messages you design to communicate with potential customers to persuade them to buy from you. Some of these activities may include: 1- [...]

The Need for HR Policies & Procedures Manual or Employee Handbook for Organizations in Uganda

2022-06-30T12:08:57+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization. The HR policies and procedures manual is compiled first and thereafter the employee handbook is prepared in conjunction with the prevailing policies and procedures as [...]

Top 10 Questions to Include in Your Market Research Activity for a Start Up

2022-06-30T12:21:49+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Your business may need to get information from both potential and existing customers. This information is useful to help you create products or experiences that satisfies their needs and wants. This can be achieved through market research. Market research can be done by employing both quantitative market research techniques like customer surveys and qualitative methods, such in-depth interviews and focus groups. Market research is always the first step of any [...]

The Purchase Funnel

2022-06-29T18:05:57+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

A purchase funnel (a.k.a sales funnel) denotes the process through which you lead the prospect through a path to a purchase. A sales funnel has four distinct but interlinked stages which include: Awareness Interest Desires Action 1 - Awareness At this stage your company makes an effort to reach out to as many prospects as possible. This may be through social media channels, TV ads etc. The reach of the [...]

9 Key Topics to Consider for Financial Literacy Training

2022-06-13T15:26:33+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Introduction Financial Literacy means having the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage money well. One may also say that financial literacy is a process through which an individual (or a family) gains a basic understanding of banking, savings, and the importance of good credit. Knowledge and skills to manage personal money is very important in every economy for all categories of income earners to be able to make the right [...]

How To Manage Your Money Smartly – Be A Wise Spender

2022-06-13T15:28:55+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Money is scarce and that’s what makes it valuable. For as long as you don’t have a money-bearing tree in your backyard or a magic lamp that produces money when you ask for it, then it is time for you to be careful with your earnings. Otherwise, you risk being like me who wished it rained money at our home. Just like other successful people, you must make tough choices [...]

Four Steps of Developing a Financial Plan to Achieve Your Goals

2022-06-13T15:30:25+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

A goal without a plan is as simple as making a wish and just like you know if wishes were horses, even beggars would ride. It is important for you to make plans to achieve your financial goals. My young friend Tim is 26 years and has just graduated with a bachelor of information technology degree. He is currently working as a back-office IT engineer at a government citizen resource [...]

Setting Financial Goals – Financial Education with Robert Mwesige

2022-06-13T15:25:58+03:00Knowledge & Insights|

Setting financial goals requires you to first get the right financial literacy. Where do you want to go? In other words, do you have a personal development plan that guides you on what you would like to achieve from life? Do you think it is important to have goals? Sometimes you can feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day responsibilities that you forego thinking about goals. A few years ago, my neighbor’s [...]

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