Advanced Microsoft Excel Training in Uganda

Training Overview

The Advanced Microsoft Excel Training Is Designed for Professionals to Master Data Analysis, Visualization by Applying Advanced-Level Tools and Applications of Excel.

Get Excel Master Class Featuring Calculation, Graphing Tools, Pivot Tables, And A Macro Programming Language Visual Basic for Applications. The Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Training in Uganda lets you create, view, edit, and share your files with others quickly and easily.

Advanced Microsoft Excel holds hidden power for high-level analysis and complex reporting – it just has to be drawn out. As a Project Manager, Sales Manager, HR Expert, Researcher, & Finance Expert you have the capability of using Excel to easily help you in your day-to-day decision-making on many levels. With Advanced Excel, your team can save time and energy at work.

This hands-on training will help you create those tools, charts, graphs, and projections that will become a key factor in your continued success.

By taking this course, you will be able to report on data in a list using PivotTables, edit and analyze complex data using advanced features such as Scenarios, Goal Seek and Solver, incorporate built-in functions into a worksheet, work with controls and record macros.

Learn How to Create Lookup Functions, Set Excel Working Options, Enhance Charts, Protect Worksheet Data, Perform Advanced-Data Operations Using Summarizing, Pivot tables, Data Consolidations.

Enroll Today & Meet Most Popular Excel Instructor with 10+ Years of Excel Training to Take You Step by Step Through Useful Spreadsheet Tools in Microsoft Excel.


The course is suitable for:

  • Project Managers (Project Leads & People Aiming for Various Project Management Roles)
  • HR Managers & Officers
  • Finance Managers & Officers
  • Research & Data Analysts
  • District Planners, and Statisticians
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Population Officers
  • Program Coordinators
  • Bankers, and Insurers
  • Sales and Marketing Professionals
  • Professionals in Procurement, Corporate Finance, Forex, and Financial Markets
  • Project Finance (Working in Reporting & Financial Analysis of Projects)
  • Professionals Looking to Strengthen Their Knowledge of Financial, Sales, HR, Training & Project Data Processing Techniques



  • Your Excel Version
  • The Office Theme
  • Simple Filters
  • Top 10 and Custom Filters
  • Advanced Filters with multiple OR criteria
  • Advanced Filters with complex criteria
  • Advanced Filters with function-driven criteria
  • Unique records and the advanced filter
  • Totals with Quick Analysis
  • Percentage and running totals with Quick Analysis
  • The Excel Table
  • Table Styles
  • Custom Table Styles
  • Sorting by rows
  • Sorting by columns
  • Sorting by Custom Lists
  • Structured Table References
  • Manual Structured Table References
  • Special Items in Structured Table References
  • Unqualified Structured Table References
  • Text to Columns and Fixed Width Data
  • Text to Columns and Delimited Data
  • Subtotals
  • Nested Subtotals
  • Data Consolidation
  • Data Consolidation and Tables
  • Data Validation and Numerical Data
  • Data Validation Error Messages
  • Data Validation Input Messages
  • Formula-driven date and text length Data validation
  • Table-Based Dynamic List Validation
  • Business rules and Formula-Driven Validation
  • Duplicate Value Detection and Removal
  • Data Validation and Unique Column Constraints
  • Data Validation Dynamic Lists Without Blanks


  • Precedence rules and the Evaluate feature
  • Formula AutoComplete
  • The Insert Function dialog
  • Investment Valuation using the PV and FV functions
  • The IF Logic function
  • The SUMIF and COUNTIF functions
  • Date Serial Numbers
  • Common Date Functions
  • The DATEDIF function
  • Date offsets and the Project scheduling equation
  • Date Offsets using the DATE function
  • Time Values and Calculations
  • Time calculations that span midnight
  • Common Time Functions: NOW, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND
  • TIME function to offset hours, minutes, and seconds
  • AND & OR Functions for complex Boolean criteria
  • Calculation Options (Manual and Automatic)
  • The Concatenation Operator (&)
  • Using TEXT, CONCAT, and TEXTJOIN Functions
  • Text Extraction from strings using LEFT, RIGHT and MID
  • Text Extraction from strings using the FIND and LEN functions
  • VLOOKUP function for an exact lookup
  • The SWITCH Function
  • The IFERROR function to suppress error messages
  • VLOOKUP function for an inexact lookup
  • The MATCH function for an exact lookup
  • The INDEX Function
  • The IFS Function
  • Understanding Benford’s Law in Fraud Detection
  • Applying Benford’s Law to Population Data
  • Applying Benford’s Law to a General Ledger
  • How to spot possible fraud using Benfords Law
  • Single-cell range names
  • Manual single cell range names and named constants
  • Range names and Formula readability
  • Two-dimension Range Names
  • Intersection range names and the INDIRECT function
  • Dynamic | OFFSET Function-Based Range Names
  • Dynamic | Table Based Range Names
  • Linked Drop-Down Lists and Range Names
  • Error Values: #NUM!, #DIV/0! and #NAME?
  • Error Values: #VALUE!, #REF! and #NULL!
  • Error Checking: Automatic | Background
  • Error Checking: Manual
  • Tracing Formula precedents
  • Tracing Formula dependents
  • The Watch Window
  • Speak Cells
  • What If Analysis: Single Input Data Tables
  • What If Analysis: Two Input Data Tables
  • What If Analysis: Scenarios
  • What If Analysis: Scenario Summary Report
  • What If Analysis: Goal Seek
  • What If Analysis: Solver
  • Creating a Forecast from historical data
  • Sensitivity Analysis | Profit as a function of price
  • Sensitivity Analysis | Profit as a function of price and unit cost
  • Sensitivity Analysis | Mortgage Repayments
  • Security: Hide, Unhide Worksheets, Columns, and Rows
  • Security: Custom Views
  • Security: Workbook Access Control
  • Security: Workbook Structure Protection
  • Security: Worksheet Cell Protection
  • Security: Multiple Worksheet Access Levels
  • Security: Digital Certificates
  • Security: Digital Signature | Invisible
  • Security: Digital Signature | Visible


  • Hyperlinks: To Worksheets and ranges
  • Hyperlinks: To other Files and the Internet
  • Hyperlinks: To an e-mail address | Navigation
  • Embedding: Excel Worksheet objects
  • Embedding: Excel chart object
  • Linking: Excel Worksheet object
  • Group Box and Option Button controls
  • Combo Box control
  • Form Control Input Cell Connection
  • Form Control Result Cell Connection
  • Check Box Control
  • Check Box connection to result cells
  • Designing a Temperature Gauge Chart
  • Connecting a Single Input Data Table
  • Form appearance and usability
  • Macros and VBA
  • Recording Macros with Absolute References
  • Macro Security | Macro enabled Workbooks
  • Implementing Macro Security
  • Trusted Documents
  • Recording Macros with Relative References
  • Running Macros with Shapes
  • Run Macros from a Button Control
  • Customizing | Showing | Hiding | Ribbon Tabs
  • Adding Custom groups to the standard ribbon
  • Adding Custom Ribbon Tabs To The Standard Ribbon
  • One-Dimensional Pivot Table Reports
  • Grouped Pivot Table report
  • Pivot Table Rows and Columns
  • The Pivot Table Data Cache
  • Filter and Sort a Pivot Table
  • Report Filter Fields
  • Filtering a Pivot Table visually using Slicers
  • Timeline Control and The Pivot Table
  • Using Slicers to create a custom Timeline
  • Using Report Filter Fields to create multiple pages
  • Pivot Table Styles
  • Custom Pivot Table Styles
  • Pivot Table report layouts
  • Pivot Table subtotals and cell styles
  • Multiple summations within a single Pivot Table
  • Calculated Fields in a Pivot Table
  • Calculated Items in a Pivot Table
  • Grouping Pivot Table Totals by Text
  • Grouping Pivot Table Totals by Date
  • Grouping Pivot Table Totals by numeric value ranges
  • Displaying row data as a percentage of row total
  • Using Pivot Table values in simple formulas
  • The GETPIVOTDATA Function
  • Pivot Charts
  • Embedding multiple Pivot Tables onto a Worksheet
  • Using Slicers to filter multiple Pivot Tables
  • Using data from an external data source
  • Creating a new Pivot Table with its Data Cache
  • Unsharing the Data Cache between existing Pivot Tables
  • Unshare the Cache of Pivot Tables connected to a DataBase


By the end of the course, you’ll be able to…

  • Design reports for stakeholders
  • Create a dashboard with some common financial & project management requirements
  • Improve project communications with charts
  • Format, change and edit charts
  • Apply conditional formatting to save time and automate reporting
  • Master Microsoft Excel from Beginner to Advanced
  • Build a solid understanding of the Basics of Microsoft Excel
  • Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office Environment
  • Harness the full power of Microsoft Excel by automating your day to day tasks through Macros
  • Maintain large sets of Excel data in a list or table
  • Create dynamic reports by mastering one of the most popular tools, PivotTables
  • Unlock dynamic formulas with IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH functions, and many more
  • Get in touch with a Professional Trainer with 10+ years of Excel Training

Why you should learn data analysis using Excel.

Data analysis skills are in increasing demand across a huge range of industries, but if maths is not your strong suit, it can be a daunting thing to learn. This Training package has been designed with exactly that in mind. It is a complete beginner’s guide to the subject, covering the basics of data analytics, maths, and Excel fundamentals to refresh your memory and build your confidence in these areas.

You’ll explore:

  • ways to build your data literacy
  • data analysis methods
  • how to create tables and pivot tables in Excel
  • how to create data visualizations in Excel
  • the maths behind data analysis
  • how to apply basic inferential maths to your data sets.

Brush up on your mathematics before delving into data analysis

Data analysis involves applying maths – whether it’s statistics or simple formula – to data sets. This Training package offers you the chance to refresh your maths knowledge before you get started so that you feel confident in mathematical notation, applying summary statistics, and calculating business metrics as you proceed through the courses.

Learn how to use Excel functions for data analysis

Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.

You will learn how to perform data analysis using Excel’s most popular features, including how to create pivot tables from a range with rows and columns in Excel. You will see the power of Excel pivots in action and their ability to summarise data in flexible ways, enabling quick exploration of data and producing valuable insights from the accumulated data.

Grow your data analysis skills

Once you’ve covered the maths behind data analytics and the Excel functions to support it, you’ll be able to grow your analytics skills more directly. This involves creating flexible data aggregations and representing data visually. Before long, you’ll be able to calculate margins and other calculations, as well as filtering data and creating reports using simple Excel formulas.

Feel confident making data-driven decisions

All of this works towards offering you more control and confidence in your data. You’ll be able to apply your newfound skills in both decision-making and problem-solving at work. You can even use this as a pathway into more specialized training in data analysis.


USD 324 or UGX 1,190,000 Per Participant to Cover Training Facilitation, Certificate, Hotel Facilities, Handouts, Lunch, AM & PM Teas & Water. We Also Have to Follow Up for Each Participant Up to 14 Days After the Training. Participants Will Also Receive the Ultimate Guide to Using Microsoft Excel Covering All the Training Topics.

For details send an email to; | Tel: +256700801771

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Advanced Excel Training – April 2024 Info Guide

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