Occupational Safety and Health Training

Implementation of a Culture of Health can greatly improve your workers’ well-being as well as the health of your consumers, surrounding communities, and the environment.

A culture of health can enhance your business reputation while reducing costs and increasing revenues and profits.

This is so, because employees who work in a healthy and safe environment spend less time away from work for health complications, decreasing interruptions, while you increase output and staff retention.

It also becomes clear that a workforce that spends less on expensive medical bills has a chance to have money that would be used on saving and investment to benefit both your business and the economy.

Join this course with your staff to gain knowledge of occupational health and how to prevent the development of diseases and injuries, which are caused by working conditions.

After the course, participants will understand:

  • How to implement a Culture of Health in your business.
  • How to reduce costs, increase revenues, and enhance your business’s reputation by focusing on a Culture of Health
  • the key concepts of occupational health;
  • occupational diseases;
  • the different steps in risk assessment at the workplace;
  • the relationship between workplace exposure & health effects;
  • the main steps in preventing exposure to health hazards in the work environment.
  • the most important risk factors for illness and injuries
  • The business case to adopt a Culture of Health at the workplace
  • Health, Safety, Security & Environment – Where you are

What topics will you cover?

This course will be delivered based on the following key modules:

  • Introduction to safety and health at work (basic definitions and concepts)
  • Management of prevention
  • Risks assessment
  • Accidents Prevention and Reporting
  • Fire and Explosion
  • Confined Spaces
  • Tools, Machines, and Appliance
  • Hoist, lift and bear
  • Trip, Slip, And Fall
  • Internal emergency plan & Templates
  • Ergonomics
  • Drugs and alcohol awareness in the workplace
  • Work at height
  • Electricity
  • Radiation
  • Noise and vibrations
  • Understanding Hazardous substances
  • Formation of Health and safety committees (Structures and functions)
  • Motivating Workers through Leadership and supervision
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Safety and Health signalization
  • Muscle skeletal disorders
  • Emergency responses & Procedures Harassment and violence at work

We are available to explain what you, as an employer, may need to do to ensure your employees receive appropriate health and safety training. We advise on who may need training, what form the training may take, and how to organize it.

Why provide health and safety training?

  • Providing health and safety information and training helps your organization to:
  • ensure that all people who work for you know how to work safely and without risks to health
  • develop a positive health and safety culture, where safe and healthy working becomes second nature to everyone
  • meet your legal duty to protect the health and safety of your employees.
  • Effective training
  • will contribute towards making your employees competent in health and safety
  • can help your business avoid the distress that accidents and ill health cause

The Facilitators/Instructors

Our trainers have worked in both public and private-sector organizations throughout the country and have a deeper interest and understanding of how to improve occupational safety and health (OSH).

With the strategic awareness of the rapid pace of technological change, combined with the persistence of unsafe or environmentally hazardous working conditions, they have focused their attention on the need to create safe, healthy working environments and promote a new safety culture in the workplace.

They are the OSH professionals who can catalyze these processes, with the right skills. They are ready to help you to become a safety and health professional with a multidisciplinary training.

Who needs health and safety training?

  • Some workers may have particular training needs, for example:
  • worker representatives on the OSH Committee or safety representatives will require training that reflects their responsibilities;
  • recruits need basic induction training in how to work safely, including arrangements for first aid, fire, and evacuation;
  • people changing jobs or taking on extra responsibilities need to know about any new safety and health implications;
  • young workers are particularly vulnerable to accidents and employers need to pay particular attention to their needs, so their training should be a priority. It is also important that new, inexperienced, or young workers are adequately supervised;
  • some people’s skills may need updating by refresher training because it has been a long since they last got training.

Other Categories

You do! Health and Safety at Work is a responsibility for an employer or the self-employed. You have to learn how to identify the hazards and control the risks from your work.

All managers and supervisors also need to know what you expect from them in terms of health and safety, and how you expect them to deliver.

They need to understand your health and safety policy, where they fit in, and how you want health and safety managed. They may also need training in the specific hazards of your processes and how you expect the risks to be controlled.

Everyone (employees) who works for you, including self-employed people, needs to know how to work safely and without health risks.

Like your supervisors, they need to know about your health and safety policy, your arrangements for implementing it, and the part they play. They also need to know how they can raise any health and safety concerns with you.

Contractors and self-employed people who may be working for you do! Remember, these people might not be familiar with your working environment and the safety systems that you have put in place for regular employees.