First Aid Training in Uganda | Trainers in Workplace First Aid

Train your staff on how to handle an emergency or offer immediate care when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. For minor conditions, first aid care may be enough. For serious problems, first aid care should be continued until more advanced care becomes available.

We work with stakeholders and expert trainers in Uganda to deliver our first aid training. Our firm delivers first aid, health & safety training to hundreds of companies, local authorities across the country, including a full suite of first aid, mental health first aid, risk assessment, fire marshal, and moving and handling training courses to meet your needs.

The First Aid Training at Houston Executive Consulting gives you the information and practical skills you need to help adults and children during an emergency. Behind every HEC health and safety training program stands a team of experts ensuring what is taught is based on the latest and best in emergency science.

We deliver in person, and via our blended training method, which combines online work with hands-on skills sessions. Let’s talk about our first aid training and you get the latest information in the format that suits you best.

Many thousands of people in workplaces die or suffer life-changing injuries in serious workplace incidents or situations where first aid could improve the outcome. Such incidents are impossible to predict and you can only rely on in-house first aiders to help manage the situation until emergency services arrive.

With our First Aid Training for Workplaces, learn first aid techniques to address seven common injuries in adults, including cardiac arrest, choking, bleeding, and burns.

Your team will learn first aid techniques to respond to seven causes of injury in workplaces.

We start by introducing you to the key first aid actions you should take to effectively manage seven common causes of injury in adults: cardiac arrest, choking, bleeding, burns, strokes, road accidents, and basic psychological first aid for an injured person.

You will also learn about the first aid fundamentals of assessing an emergency situation, how to check if a casualty is breathing, and the recovery position technique.

This training equips participants with the skills & confidence to handle an emergency situation. The two-day training aims to provide you with essential knowledge that will create the foundations in which you can recognize emergencies and apply first aid.

We shall ensure that participants learn to recognize and manage an acute situation until help arrives. Empower your workforce with basic first aid skills that could save someone’s life. Participants will learn practical clinical skills & also share through a mixture of videos, articles, innovative practical exercises, scenarios, and quizzes.


The course is aimed at anyone who is expected to perform first aid in their workplace. It is also suitable for Workplace OSH Committee, Drivers, HR & Administration Teams, & anyone interested in learning first aid, you don’t need any medical experience.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to…

  • Explain why first aid is a vital skill and know when to apply it in the workplace
  • Describe how to recognize and manage the breathing unconscious patient at the workplace
  • Describe how to recognize and manage the non-breathing unconscious patient
  • Summarize how to help someone who is choking
  • Describe how to manage an acute bleed
  • Discuss how to build on first aid knowledge through other resources
  • gain an understanding of techniques to manage bleeds in an emergency situation involving an adult.
  • gain an understanding of techniques to manage choking in an emergency situation involving an adult.
  • gain an understanding of techniques to manage minor burns in an emergency situation at the workplace.
  • gain an understanding of psychological first aid techniques for an emergency situation.
  • gain an understanding of techniques to manage injuries after a car accident.
  • identify the key principles of first aid including the recovery position and initial assessment.


  • First Aid is a vital skill and knows when to apply it in the workplace
  • Chain of survival, Assessing the situation & Signs of life
  • The Workplace First Aid Box, Contents, Storage & Maintenance
  • First aid for burn or scald
  • First Aid for everyday workplace accidents (Broken Bones, Dislocations, Sprains, Strains Head & Eye Injuries, etc.)
  • The unresponsive patient with a pulse & unresponsive (unconscious) patient without a pulse – CPR
  • Acute bleeding- description of how to manage an acute bleed
  • First Aid in the case of road traffic accidents
  • Choking (summarize how to help someone who is in that situation)
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Other cases of Shock, Poisoning, Bites, and stings
  • Reporting procedures
  • Discuss how to build on first aid skills

Tips for A Workplace First Aid Kit

As you plan to train your staff, you may start to consider purchasing a commercially available first aid kit for the place of work. Having a kit in your workplace, your car, and at your home is essential to stay prepared.

First Aid Kits are a must for every business, school, A&E department, public space and office, as injuries can occur at any time and at any place. Our range of first aid kits include first aid kits for catering, first aid kits for school, first aid kits for vehicles and more, ensuring that wherever an injury takes place, that help is at hand.

Common items found in a first aid kit are:

  • Bandages, roller bandages, and tape
  • Sterile gauze
  • Antiseptic wipes and swabs
  • Absorbent compresses
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Burn ointment
  • Mask for breathing (rescue breathing/CPR)
  • Chemical cold pack
  • Eyeshield and eyewash
  • The first aid reference guide that includes local phone numbers


UGX 700,000 per participant to cover facilitation, training materials, certificate, hotel facilities, handouts, lunch, AM & PM teas, and follow-up for each participant.

‘A chance to gain a vital life skill…First aid is a universal skill that can be used by anyone, at any time and in any place. Having an understanding of basic first aid concepts ensures that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills to save lives in an unpredictable situation. First aid is a transferable skill and an invaluable’.

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